Dr. Veni Yuddandi

Obstetrician Kilkenny

Dr. Veni Yuddandi,
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
FRCOG, FRCPI, Diploma in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound, BSCCP Certified Colposcopist (British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology).


Antenatal Package:  €2800

A discount fee is available if you have attended the clinic before, please discuss this with my secretary.

Fee schedule for package (includes all ultrasound scans):

First Installment 12-14 weeks: €500

Second Instalment 20-22 weeks: €800

Third Instalment 27 weeks: €1000

Fourth Instalment 34 weeks: €500


Scan fees (outside antenatal package):

2D Ultrasound (dating, placental location and gender identification) : €150

3D Ultrasound and Growth scan: €200

Umbillical Artery Doppler: €150

First trimester scans x 2:   €250 

20 week Anomaly scan: €180


Non Invasive Prenatal Test - NIPT (Harmony): €500


Gynaecology Consult:

Gynae consultation: €150

Gynae consultation including trasvaginal scan: €180

Follow up consultation: €100

Cervical Smear: €100

Follicular tracking: €125

Mirena coil insertion: €200

Mirena coil removal: €150


Note: In order to claim tax relief you must complete the MED 1 form, obtainable from Revenue (www.revenue.ie)